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Cubase 9.5 101 - Cubase 9.5 Explored.
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  • 1

    Who designed the Production Presets?

  • 2

    Which track type would you use to program meter changes?

  • 3

    Which key command places the Left & Right Locators around the selected events?

  • 4

    1.5 is an integer. True or false?

  • 5

    From which point in the Cubase channel are Post-Fader inputs fed?

  • 6

    What is the technical name for the shape of the new automation curves?

  • 7

    Where is the Audition Volume control located?

  • 8

    Under which menu will you find the Time Display window?

  • 9

    Including the Oscillators and Sub Oscillators, how many oscillators can be simultaneously audible?

  • 10

    What button would you click to reveal the entire MediaBay library in the right zone?

  • 11

    What is the new name for the window that used to be called VST Connections?

  • 12

    From where in Cubase do you access the online and PDF owner's manuals?

  • 13

    Which additional knob appears on the new Tube Compressor?

  • 14

    Under which menu will you find the Metronome Setup window?

  • 15

    When recording your own counts, what tips does Matt recommend for making them?

  • 16

    Where do you drop and drag MIDI events to automatically create a Sampler track (with audio)?

  • 17

    What provision must be enabled before Adapt to Zoom will operate?

  • 18

    What is the name of the Magneto plug-in when listed in the Plug-in list?

  • 19

    Which Input Channel button would you press to reveal the desired Input Channel in the Track List?

  • 20

    Under which heading will you find Color Schemes in the Preferences window?

Cubase 9.5 101
Cubase 9.5 Explored
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