iMovie 100
Introducing iMovie
Genre: Video
  • 11 Videos
  • 34m 0s
The new iMovie is here! Check out all the fun and features and get a glimpse of all the new editing power Apple has built into this easy-to-use, yet full-featured iLife app!
Back when desktop video editing was just a sparkle in every film editor's eye, Michael was busy creating Final Cut Pro. Learn Final Cut Pro from one of the original designers of this incredible piece of software!
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Status: Available
Apple's latest version of iMovie is filled with lots of new features and enhancements. That's why we grabbed expert video editor, MIchael Wohl to explain just how this amazing iLife app works.

This FREE introductory course takes you through the basic iMovie workflow. You learn basic importing, event management, navigation and editing techniques. Then, you get a glimpse of some basic FX and audio sweetening.

By the time you finish this introduction, you'll be ready to dive into all of our iMovie courses by the talented Michael Wohl. It is in this collection that you learn to deploy all the many, cool new tools and techniques that make iMovie a powerful part of the iLife suite of apps.

What are you waiting for? Start learning how to make professional-looking movies now!
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