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Logic Pro X 301 - Supercharged Processing.
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  • 1

    Why is the Overdrive plug-in useful to process bass?

  • 2

    What do you need to do before using Reason to process audio in Logic Pro X?

  • 3

    The Bitcrusher offers a Mix control. True or false?

  • 4

    Which statement is correct?

  • 5

    When using the Exciter, what happens if you turn the Harmonics control all the way down?

  • 6

    How can you show an Aux track in Logic's main window?

  • 7

    The UAD 1176 plug-in offers a Mix control. True or false?

  • 8

    Logic's Compressor offers a Mix control. True or false?

  • 9

    Which Logic plug-in can replicate the Haas effect?

  • 10

    Which statement is incorrect?

  • 11

    Which Logic plug-in is similar to the SPL Transient Designer?

Logic Pro X 301
Supercharged Processing
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