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MPC Live 101 - Learn MPC Live.
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  • 1

    How much RAM is installed in the MPC Live?

  • 2

    The Q-Link knobs can be used to edit the parameters a inserted effect like delay. True or false?

  • 3

    In the clip programs pad mode, this function makes the sample automatically stop after playing once.

  • 4

    Which bank of Q-Link knobs allow you to edit the end of your sample?

  • 5

    Converting a chopped sample into a Patched Phrase allows the sample to...

  • 6

    It is not possible to keep events from snapping to the grid while nudging in Grid Mode. True or false?

  • 7

    What type of input is not available on the MPC Live for sampling?

  • 8

    The MPC Live can Export your song in these three formats....

  • 9

    CV Programs are only available on the MPC X. True or false?

  • 10

    How many banks of pads are there on the MPC Live?

MPC Live 101
Learn MPC Live
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