Take a 17 question quiz to test and certify your knowledge of the tutorial-video course
Synthesis 201 - Analog Synthesis in a Digital World.
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  • 1

    The Square Wave consists of Even-numbered Harmonics. True or False?

  • 2

    A Square waveform contains ______ harmonics

  • 3

    Blue noise is weighted more towards the higher register?

  • 4

    The Triangle wave consists only of which of the following?

  • 5

    What is Envelope Follower's functionality?

  • 6

    A Sine Wave consists of the fundamental frequency and overtones. True or False?

  • 7

    Harmonics consist of...

  • 8

    Which type of module in a synthesizer creates sound, like a sine wave or white noise?

  • 9

    What are Inharmonic overtones or partials?

  • 10

    What happens when increasing modulation index?

  • 11

    ADSR stands for which of the following?

  • 12

    The Sawtooth Wave consist of which of the following?

  • 13

    Which one of these waveforms contains both odd and even harmonics?

  • 14

    The four basic waveforms discussed in this course are...

  • 15

    What are Sidebands?

  • 16

    Compared with white noise, pink noise is weighted more towards the lower register?

  • 17

    Filters are used to remove harmonic content from a sound. True or False?

Synthesis 201
Analog Synthesis in a Digital World
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