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Orchestration 102 - The Wind Section.
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  • 1

    How many scores should an orchestral composer read?

  • 2

    "à 2" means:

  • 3

    The oboe has:

  • 4

    Which effect does NOT require alternate fingerings?

  • 5

    The immediate predecessor to the oboe is called:

  • 6

    The piccolo:

  • 7

    Dynamic inflections are managed by changes in the rate of airflow. True or false?

  • 8

    The most difficult trills and tremolos are those that involve:

  • 9

    The standard seating for winds, clockwise from the nearer left of the conductor:

  • 10

    Fork fingering is accomplished by:

  • 11

    Supported exhalation combines the following muscle groups:

  • 12

    A cylindrical bore is combined with a parabolic curve in the design of the:

  • 13

    What is legato?

  • 14

    The clarinet can actually:

  • 15

    The dynamic arc of the winds is:

  • 16

    Some wind instruments require transposition because:

  • 17

    The standard clarinet voicing position resembles the vowel sound:

  • 18

    The basic building-block of the orchestra is the:

  • 19

    Muting woodwinds:

  • 20

    Tonguing the syllables "duh" and "the" result in:

  • 21

    The clarinet:

  • 22

    How much more is there to learn after this course?

  • 23

    If an instrument is tuned to B-flat:

  • 24

    The best part of an oboe range is in its:

  • 25

    Which of the following statement is true?

Orchestration 102
The Wind Section
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