Courses by Duane Nickull
  • Flash Builder 105
    Working with Data Grids
    Data grids are one of the pillars of Flex development using Flash Builder so it's important to get a good understanding of how they work. In this course, Adobe expert and professional developer Duane Nickull teaches you all about them...
  • Flash Builder 104
    Working with Visual Content
    Quickly integrate visual content such as PDFs, video and images into your apps with Flash Builder 4.6. Adobe master developer Duane Nickull shows you the way...
  • Flash Builder 103
    Building a File Browser Application
    Build a full-featured File Browser application in Flash Builder 4.6 with Adobe Flash Builder wizard Duane Nickull as your guide...
  • Flash Builder 102
    Working with Layout Containers
    Create flexible and scalable app layouts by using Layout Containers in Flash Builder 4.6...
  • Flash Builder 101
    Intro to Flash Builder
    There's a lot of excitement around creating apps for mobile and other platforms these days. That's why we're pleased to bring you former Adobe Evangelist Duane Nickull to show you how it's done, with Adobe Flash Builder 4.6
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