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Mac OS X 101 - Mastering Your Mac.
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  • 1

    How do you open a Finder window through your dock?

  • 2

    Which icon is used for the Home folder for the current user?

  • 3

    After you have selected the icon for your hard drive, how can you change its name?

  • 4

    How do you tunnel back up to the folder you were in previously?

  • 5

    In list view, what is the triangular symbol used to open and close each folder called?

  • 6

    What does the Dock help you to do?

  • 7

    Where do you find the Key commands when you forget them?

  • 8

    What is the keyboard shortcut for switching to Icon view?

  • 9

    What is the keyboard shortcut for switching to List view?

  • 10

    Which application is the default Macintosh web browser?

  • 11

    Which view is easiest to trace your path through your folder hierarchy?

  • 12

    What options does your Menu Bar display?

  • 13

    Which application allows you to access files, applications and other documents on your system?

  • 14

    What are the 3 views available in the Finder window?

  • 15

    By default, where is your Dock located?

  • 16

    What do the 4 icons grouped together in the Finder's toolbar do?

  • 17

    In Icon view, how do you open a folder?

  • 18

    Who can see the documents within the User folders?

  • 19

    What is the keyboard shortcut for switching to Column view?

  • 20

    How do you select the icon for your hard drive that is on your desktop?

  • 21

    How do you know which hard drives are on your system?

  • 22

    What folder does the Finder window hot-link to?

  • 23

    When you click on an application, how do you know it is open and active?

  • 24

    When in Finder, what command opens a Finder window?

  • 25

    What is the default view for the Finder window?

Mac OS X 101
Mastering Your Mac
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