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Push 2 201 - Push Harder!.
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  • 1

    How do you arm an audio track from Push?

  • 2

    Can entire scenes be duplicated?

  • 3

    What does the touchstrip on Push control when in the Session Mode?

  • 4

    It is possible to set the tempo for individual scenes. True or false?

  • 5

    When effects are placed on the Returns they should be 100% dry. True or false?

  • 6

    Is it possible to export/render group tracks?

  • 7

    Can you change the clip launch quantization of individual clips?

  • 8

    Is it possible to copy and paste from the Session and Arrangement views?

  • 9

    Can the Looper device reverse the audio?

  • 10

    What types of samples are typically used for Finger Drumming?

  • 11

    Can you enter numbers into the name of a clip?

  • 12

    Can you change the minimum and maximum value of a MIDI mapped parameter?

  • 13

    Does the Looper device warp the recorded audio?

  • 14

    How many sounds can the Drum Rack hold?

  • 15

    Can the Clip Launch Quantization be changed per clip?

  • 16

    How many frequency bands does a typical DJ mixer have?

  • 17

    What's the best warp mode for preserving the pitch of full songs?

  • 18

    Which warp mode doesn't preserve the pitch as you change the tempo?

  • 19

    Where can you find the Sends Only setting?

  • 20

    What is the shortcut for grouping tracks?

  • 21

    Can you change the color of a scene?

  • 22

    It is possible to edit multiple clips at once in the Session View. True or false?

  • 23

    Do parameters mapped in the User mode show up on Push's display?

  • 24

    What does the Clip Launch Quantization control?

  • 25

    How do you reveal the crossfader?

Push 2 201
Push Harder!
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