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Final Cut Pro 204 - Advanced Color Correction.
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  • 1

    How do you increase the blended area between the inside and outside of the mask?

  • 2

    After installing or creating an adjustment layer, where is it found?

  • 3

    What kind of curve adds contrast?

  • 4

    When you create a second mask, what's the default mask blend mode?

  • 5

    If you adjust points on Hue vs Sat, what are you changing in the image?

  • 6

    What key should you hold down while dragging for more precision?

  • 7

    What control allows you to gently increase or decrease the color range selected?

  • 8

    Is this course a good place to start if you're new to color correction?

  • 9

    Which of these is not a common Log format?

  • 10

    How many curves here can adjust Hue?

  • 11

    When you add a saved preset, are existing color correction effects replaced?

  • 12

    If Preserve Luma is unchecked, does increasing Red increase the overall brightness?

  • 13

    To desaturate shadow areas, which curve should you adjust?

  • 14

    When you adjust an offset, do the other control points move?

  • 15

    Which of these colors is NOT the name of a color in the custom color picker?

  • 16

    Where in the interface do you find the Inside/Outside control?

  • 17

    If you adjust a point on the Hue vs Luma curve and push it up, what are you doing to the image?

Final Cut Pro 204
Advanced Color Correction
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