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After Effects CC 103 - Working in the Timeline.
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  • 1

    You can find the shutter speed to adjust motion blur in your.....

  • 2

    What is the standard AE keyboard command to show keyframes you've added to a parameter?

  • 3

    Adding the Time Remapping parameter to your clip lets you animate what?

  • 4

    The Rove Across Time command does what to your animation?

  • 5

    What type of grid are you toggling on and off to check the status of your keyable element

  • 6

    Motion Sketch is a common way to animate what type of effect?

  • 7

    In After Effects a PreComp and a Nest are the same thing. True/False

  • 8

    How can you easily switch to the Hand tool?

  • 9

    What key do you hold to make uniform keyframe adjustments in your timelines?

  • 10

    Which parameter is NOT one of the standard AE clip based parameters?

  • 11

    What parameter cannot be added to a continually rasterized layer?

  • 12

    Which tool is used to create a freeform mask?

  • 13

    What you do to the Parent transfers to the.....

  • 14

    How many keyframes are required to create an animation?

  • 15

    Keyframe assistants add what to your compositions?

  • 16

    How many frames past the end of the composition do you need to go, to create yourself the perfect loop?

  • 17

    The two ideal Blend/Transfer Modes to use when compositing an element with a black background over footage is...

  • 18

    The Pan Behind Tool adjusts.....

  • 19

    If you drag and drop a clip onto the create new composition button, the new Comp will inherit the timecode of the clip dragged onto it. True or false?

  • 20

    To copy keyframes from a mask to a parameter you simply copy and paste. True or false?

  • 21

    Track Matting is the technique to use when you're given a separate RGB element and what other type of element

  • 22

    A Null object is

After Effects CC 103
Working in the Timeline
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