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Arturia V 105 - Synthi V Explored.
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  • 1

    Which of the oscillators would work best as an LFO?

  • 2

    To key track the oscillators, keyboard needs to be connected to the oscillator in the pin matrix. True or false?

  • 3

    What is the shortcut to reset a control to its default state?

  • 4

    What combination of filter types is on each of the output filters?

  • 5

    How many audio signals are required to produce ring modulation?

  • 6

    The Trapezoid is the envelope shaper signal independent of the VCA. True or false?

  • 7

    How many simultaneous effects can be used in the Advanced tab, Effects section?

  • 8

    The step sequencer can be used to modulate parameters. True or false?

  • 9

    How many oscillators does the Synthi V have?

  • 10

    What kind of a filter is in the Synthi V?

  • 11

    What is the maximum number of bars, the sequencer can record?

  • 12

    How many simultaneous envelopes are available in the Functions section?

  • 13

    What hardware synth is the Synthi V based on?

  • 14

    How many parameters can each of the joystick axis simultaneously affect in the advanced joystick section?

  • 15

    The Color control changes what aspect of the noise?

  • 16

    What is the best signal to sample in a S&H module to get the most variety?

  • 17

    What real world module does the reverb section on the Synthi V emulate?

  • 18

    What is the one parameter on the Envelope Shaper that is identical to what's available on a typical ADSR envelope?

  • 19

    What does a colored push pin in the matrix represent?

  • 20

    What is the color for all the frequency controls on Synthi V?

  • 21

    The two channels can receive separate signals and can be used to create a wider stereo image. True or false?

  • 22

    Which of the oscillators can be slaved to another to get the hard sync effect?

  • 23

    How many groups are available in the Pin Matrix?

Arturia V 105
Synthi V Explored
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