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Audio Mistakes 101 - 10 Common Compression Mistakes.
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  • 1

    Why might compression negatively affect a synth sound?

  • 2

    What are the main controls of a compressor?

  • 3

    What is another name for parallel compression?

  • 4

    Should you use a compressor on the master stereo buss while mixing?

  • 5

    How can you alter the envelopes of drums with compression?

  • 6

    How does Parallel (aka NY) Compression work?

  • 7

    What kind of compressors should be applied in a mix?

  • 8

    What are three kinds of "character" compressors (circuits)?

  • 9

    What can impact the effectiveness of a compressor preset?

  • 10

    What's the benefit of Multiband compression?

  • 11

    What are the correct settings for compressing vocals?

  • 12

    What's the benefit of M/S (Mid/Side) processing/compression?

  • 13

    Why might two compressors may be used on the same signal?

Audio Mistakes 101
10 Common Compression Mistakes
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