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Audio Mistakes 104 - 10 Common Mastering Mistakes.
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  • 1

    Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

  • 2

    Using M-S (Mid-Side) processing to EQ in Mastering...

  • 3

    When using commercial tracks as references, they should be...

  • 4

    Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

  • 5

    Potential technical issues that should be checked for in Mastering include...

  • 6

    When is Mastering done?

  • 7

    When acting as both Mix and Mastering engineer on a project, you should...

  • 8

    What are two most critical aspects of monitoring for a Mastering session?

  • 9

    How much EQ boost/cut and Compression gain reduction would be most typical in Mastering?

  • 10

    What is the one thing that bringing in a separate Mastering engineer always guarantees?

  • 11

    Typical settings for a Multiband compressor...

  • 12

    If there was only one piece of advice you could offer about Mastering, it might be:

Audio Mistakes 104
10 Common Mastering Mistakes
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