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Audio Mistakes 105 - 10 Common Panning Mistakes.
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  • 1

    A typical mixer's Pan Pot...

  • 2

    When it comes to Panning conventions in modern mixing...

  • 3

    When it coems to Panning, many modern mixes try to maintain...

  • 4

    How can an Auto-Panner create Panning motion between left & right?

  • 5

    How can you get a True Stereo panner in Logic?

  • 6

    Having tracks bunched up at the hard left, center, and hard right positions...

  • 7

    What is a popular technique for widening mono tracks?

  • 8

    What happens if a pseudo-stereo image is created from a mono track by flipping the "Phase" of one side?

  • 9

    When positioned all the way to, say, the Left...

  • 10

    When setting Pan positions and maintaining a degree of symmetry for the mix...

  • 11

    M-S (Mid-Side) processing can usually widen the image of an alread) Stereo signal by...

  • 12

    Pan Law can be set to...

  • 13

    What is hard panning?

Audio Mistakes 105
10 Common Panning Mistakes
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