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Audio Mistakes 106 - 10 Common Studio Design Mistakes.
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What is the most important difference between Studio Monitors & Hi-Fi speakers?
Studio Monitors are more expensive than Hi-Fi speakers, so you can be sure they're better
Studio Monitors are designed for a neutral, "flat" frequency response, while Hi-Fi speakers often are not
Studio Monitors have a boosted bass response so you can really feel the low end
Studio Monitors are designed to always be able to play much louder than Hi-Fi speakers
A good way to treat the rear wall of a control room is to...
employ a concave surface, to more effectively focus reflections at the "sweet spot"
all answers are correct
use Diffusor panels to scatter reflections, providing a more even ambience throughout the room
completely dampen it with absorptive foam panels
A good listening level for extended studio work (like mixing) might be...
just below the Theshold of Pain, so you can hear all the detail in the bass
between approximately 75-85 dB SPL
between approximately 30-60 dB SPL
between approximately 95-105 dB SPL
Critical aspects of speaker setup include...
distance from each other
proper angle (~ 60°) between speakers & listener
all answers are correct
distance from and symmetry betweeen the side walls
The "room-in-a-room" approach to soundproofing involves...
building up a room's existing walls, floor, and ceiling with additional layers
working in an isolated structure, like a free-standing garage or guest house
constructing a separate room within an existing one, "floating" on springs or neoprene "pucks"
building a vocal booth inside a recording studio
When mixing...
Yamaha NS-10's should always be used-they're the industry standard
besides the main monitors, additional speakers & headphones should occasionally be referenced
you should never use headphones
only one pair of speakers should be listened to, for complete consistency
Why are Standing Waves problematic?
all answers are correct
They can fool a mixer into applying EQ that won't sound good on other systems
They cause (often drastically) irregular bass repsonse at different loacations in a room
They prevent the engineer or mixer from hearing exactly what's on tape/disk
The so-called "Mirror Trick" can be employed...
to identify the locations (on room surfaces) of problematic strong reflections, to apply appropriate damping
so the guitar player can admire himself while performing
to help an engineer/performer see the DAW screen while recording him/herself
to get the lead singer ready for a take, for the "Making Of" documentary video footage
Using EQ to correct for Standing Waves...
may not provide even enough response at all locations in the room
is the only solution to the problem
is impossible
can only be applied during tracking, but not during mixing
A well-designed studio space and good monitors...
will absolutely guarantee the best possible mix every time
will help considerably in achieving better recordings & mixes
has nothing to do with getting a good mix, it's all tricks & magic
won't really help the mix
A properly installed & calibrated subwoofer...
should boost frequencies both slightly above and below the crossover point
will boost all frequencies below the crossover point
won't make any difference
won't boost the bass, it'll just extend it deeper
What are the two most critical issues in Studio Design?
room acoustics and monitoring
The mixing console and audio interface
Mic closet and outboard rack gear
DAW and plug-In collection
Audio Mistakes 106
10 Common Studio Design Mistakes
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