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Audio Mistakes 108 - 10 Common Distortion/Saturation Mistakes.
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  • 1

    The very subtle amount of distortion or saturation in many analog processors is called...

  • 2

    Which of the following statement is true?

  • 3

    When taking a guitar signal directly into a DAW, the correct input would be:

  • 4

    Four sources of (potentially beneficial) distortion/saturation are...

  • 5

    Two different types of tubes in guitar amps, responsible for different distortion qualitites, are...

  • 6

    Three types of digital distortion are:

  • 7

    Tape Saturation is...

  • 8

    What are the three main sections of a guitar amp/sim?

  • 9

    Pulling a signal out of a DAW and running it through a real amp is called...

  • 10

    Potentially beneficial distortion...

  • 11

    When there's an extra input in an amp sim, that's not part of the virtual amp...

  • 12

    Some instruments other than guitar that might benefit from distortion/overdrive are:

Audio Mistakes 108
10 Common Distortion/Saturation Mistakes
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