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AudioPedia 107 - Editing and Signal Flow.
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  • 1

    In a mixer channel strip a post-fader send

  • 2

    Time-shifting allows for

  • 3

    A console or mixing board

  • 4

    In a mixer a Send & Return hookup

  • 5

    In a mixer a VCA group

  • 6

    A plug-in

  • 7

    Audio Quantization refers to

  • 8

    Bouncing to disk

  • 9

    A console Channel Strip

  • 10

    In an audio console or mixer a bus (or buss) is

  • 11

    DAW plug-in formats include

  • 12

    Mix automation

  • 13

    A Comp track is made up of

  • 14

    Cutting and re-joining pieces of analog tape to make edits is called

  • 15

    In a mixer the stereo mix bus

  • 16

    Auto-tuning is

  • 17

    Beat-mapping means

  • 18

    A Channel Fader

  • 19

    In a DAW an insert

  • 20

    The "Chipmunk Effect" is

  • 21

    I/O (or i/o) stands for

  • 22

    A pan pot

AudioPedia 107
Editing and Signal Flow
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