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Bitwig Studio 204 - Polymer Explored.
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  • 1

    What is the quickest way to choose different wavetables with the Wavetable Oscillator?

  • 2

    True or False: When converting a Polymer to PolyGrid, a new track is created for PolyGrid and the original Polymer is preserved on the original track.

  • 3

    What is the maximum number of Unison voices we can generate with the Wavetable Oscillator?

  • 4

    How do you change the amount of voices Polymer can generate?

  • 5

    What happens when you turn on the SYNC button above the Sub Oscillator?

  • 6

    Which of the following things can be changed in the Expanded View?

  • 7

    What is a Notch filter?

  • 8

    True or False: The INDEX knob changes the entire wavetable.

  • 9

    How does the Pluck enveloped differ from the AD envelope?

  • 10

    What is the difference between Expanded View and Converting to PolyGrid?

  • 11

    Which Amp Envelopes make the most sense for short percussive sounds?

  • 12

    Which Parts of Polymer can be "swapped?"

  • 13

    True or False: Modulation destinations can be viewed, modified, and deleted in the Inspector Panel.

  • 14

    What does the triangle on the Resonance knob indicate?

  • 15

    What happens when we turn the Noise generator all the way up?

  • 16

    True or False: The Filter Envelope can modulate the filter frequency above AND below its current value.

  • 17

    Is it possible for the Sub oscillator to be tuned to the same octave as the main oscillator?

  • 18

    True or False: The Instrument Layer device lets me switch between two different instruments.

  • 19

    What modulation sources are already built into Polymer?

  • 20

    True or False: Polymer defaults to a Wavetable Oscillator.

Bitwig Studio 204
Polymer Explored
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