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Capo 101 - Capo Explored.
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  • 1

    You can speed up and speed down the speed by pressing the up and down arrow, True or False?

  • 2

    The vocal Reduction option gives you 2 types, male and female. True or false?

  • 3

    When Capo saves a document, what information is embedded?

  • 4

    To reach the Settings in Capo touch, you must tap:

  • 5

    One of the cool thing with Capo is that you can also assign your midi controller to navigate within the Software, True or False?

  • 6

    On the Mac version of Capo, you can find the Pitch section:

  • 7

    When saving a Capo document for use in Capo Touch, should you save it to the iCloud document area or iCloud drive?

  • 8

    To advance or back up one beat at a time, you need to press

  • 9

    How do you create a new note in the pitch spectrogram display?

  • 10

    On iOS, tapping and holding is sometimes called long press. True or False?

  • 11

    Capo is capable of:

  • 12

    Beat detection in Capo is locked and is not adjustable. True or false?

  • 13

    In Capo touch, to change the speed of a song you need to:

  • 14

    You can change the speed of the song but you can't adjust in between the pre-defined options (1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1 and 1.5). True or false?

  • 15

    How do you assign shortcuts to a MIDI note?

  • 16

    What is different about adding regions in Capo Touch?

  • 17

    To reach the next or previous region, you need to press

  • 18

    When using a virtual guitar capo, what chords are displayed?

  • 19

    Under the settings, you have three different settings:

  • 20

    The song settings window appears:

  • 21

    You can change the tempo of a song in 25% increments only. True or false?

  • 22

    To get a song into Capo Touch you must have that song:

  • 23

    To navigate through your song in Capo touch, you have to...

  • 24

    As the saying goes, "speed is a by-product of ____________".

  • 25

    When checking the Mono option, you could isolate the left or right channel audio, but doing so, you won't hear anything from the other channel. True or False?

Capo 101
Capo Explored
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