Capo by SuperMegaUltraGroovy (love that name!) is software that gives you the ability to reverse-engineer audio music tracks. Yes! It analyzes audio and tells you the tempo, chord structure and much more. Check it out!
Matt Vanacoro is an A-List New York City based performer, composer and educator with deep experience in all aspects of production, synthesis, electronic keyboards and music technology...
Drop an audio music track into Capo and out pops all kinds of musical information that is locked inside. You get tempo, pitch, chords and beats. You also get a bunch of "groovy" tools that you can use in all kinds of ways to learn, adjust and modify the musical track.
In this course, Matt Vanacoro shows you how this amazing app will help you as a musician, teacher, songwriter, vocalist or instrumentalist of any kind. Matt takes you through Capo's User Interface (UI) and tools –both on the Mac and iPad– explaining how they function and what you can do with them to learn about the music you love.
By the time you complete this Capo course, you'll be rushing to the Mac and/or iOS app stores to make sure that this amazing (and affordable) tool is in your software collection. So whether you're an educator, performing musician, singer or just want to know what makes songs tick... this Capo course gets you analyzing, learning and performing music faster than you can download or stream your favorite track!
This is the old version of Capo. It's actually very different from the new version and I ended up having to find another source for the information.
Hindie wrote on October 12, 2015
This software will save you hours of guessing and will speed up your workflow. In this tutorial videos you will learn everything that there is to it.
peter henderson wrote on March 16, 2015
I was not keen on devoting $50 and 76+ minutes to yet another software product that would divert me from more pressing matters, but I am glad I did.
I had seen this type of product reviewed before, and the verdict was usually, "good idea but needs more work to make it really useful"
This course dealt with the strengths, weaknesses and work-arouds for those weaknesses
The real test for such a course is, "can you apply it in your own work practices"?
I am glad to say it has accelerated my learning processes. It is touted as a rock music learning tool, but I set it the task of making sense of the opening chorus of Bach's first cantata (BWV I). The result sounds somewhat grating (out of tune like a really bad, beginners' orchestra) but if you use an organ voicing it really sorts out the component parts
BPGeez wrote on March 6, 2015
Wowww! This is a must have for musicians and producers!! Definitely going to get this to my friends who are guitarists. Great gig MacPro!!!