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Final Cut Pro X 103 - Core Training: Advanced Editing Masterclass.
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  • 1

    The difference between a Secondary Storyline and a Compound clip is:

  • 2

    "Trim Start" means?

  • 3

    What is a secondary storyline?

  • 4

    Auditions are a way to:

  • 5

    How do you change picks in an Audition?

  • 6

    Cut on Action means:

  • 7

    The Precision Editor is used to:

  • 8

    Which of the following is not a reason to create a secondary storyline:

  • 9

    Which of the following does not happen when you ripple an edit?

  • 10

    Which of the following is not a way to Trim an edit?

Final Cut Pro X 103
Core Training: Advanced Editing Masterclass
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