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Groove Guru 201 - Creating Grooves.
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  • 1

    Are drummers the only ones responsible for music being groovy or not?

  • 2

    What's easier, playing in a duo or playing with a huge band?

  • 3

    What is a core difference between Rock and Jazz?

  • 4

    What are the three main elements that create modern beats?

  • 5

    Are odd time signature grooves harder to come up with?

  • 6

    When writing a song, do you start with the groove or keep it for later?

  • 7

    What makes a linear groove, a linear groove?

  • 8

    Should you add more fills, or less?

  • 9

    Are drum machines less effective than acoustic drum sets?

  • 10

    Which instrument (kick snare or hi-hat) has the most influence on our rhythmic perception?

  • 11

    Why is beatboxing so effective?

  • 12

    The washier the cymbal is, the more ... ?

  • 13

    True or false: Rock drum grooves usually have more dynamics and variations than pop grooves.

  • 14

    What's a key element when writing hip hop grooves?

  • 15

    Is traditional western music theory a must when writing grooves?

  • 16

    Do you have to be a drummer to write grooves?

  • 17

    What's one difference between Rock and Pop?

Groove Guru 201
Creating Grooves
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