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Cubase 10 501 - Studio Series - Recording Guitars.
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  • 1

    Which type of microphone requires phantom power?

  • 2

    Diagonal lines on events in Cubase designate:

  • 3

    Create a _______ and turn on group editing to edit multiple events at once.

  • 4

    Which of the following is the most difficult to edit?

  • 5

    Which microphone offered in the VST Bass Amp is commonly used for acoustical measurements?

  • 6

    What feature in Cubase allows you to add a new recording at a set length and position?

  • 7

    The Wah Wah pedal position can be automated with any MIDI continuous controller, like Modulation Wheel. True or false?

  • 8

    Which type of microphone technique will result in a brighter recording?

  • 9

    What is the most common dynamic microphone for recording guitar cabs?

  • 10

    A reamp box converts:

  • 11

    When Double-Tracking stereo acoustic guitar recordings, typically the:

  • 12

    Which element of a delay effect will determine how long the delay lasts for?

  • 13

    Which polar pattern rejects the most sound from the sides?

  • 14

    What guitar recording technique allows you to record DI guitar, edit the DI, and then still use a real amp?

  • 15

    Tube Condenser mics require phantom power. True or false?

  • 16

    Which is more common for studio bass recording?

  • 17

    The filtering effect produced from phase cancelation is called:

  • 18

    You send your DI signal in Cubase to a ___________ on your interface when reamping.

  • 19

    Which miking techniques requires two bidirectional condensers?

  • 20

    Instrument level signals are:

  • 21

    Double-tracking and Panning Takes will achieve the same effect as Duplicating and Panning. True or false?

  • 22

    Which miking position for acoustic guitar will result in more high frequency emphasis?

  • 23

    Because of the proximity effect, moving a microphone closer to the source will result in more:

  • 24

    Which VST Amp Rack model would be most appropriate for hard rock distortion tones.

  • 25

    Active Ribbon Mics require phantom power, while tube ribbon mics have their own power supply. True or false?

Cubase 10 501
Studio Series - Recording Guitars
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