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Cubase 7 103 - Engineers/Producers Toolbox .
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  • 1

    When setting proper input levels, you should always...

  • 2

    What is the main advantage of using scratch tracks?

  • 3

    The three popular polar patterns mentioned in this tutorial are...

  • 4

    It takes a minimum of 5 microphones to properly record a guitar speaker cabinet.

  • 5

    Dynamic microphones require phantom power.

  • 6

    What inexpensive accessory should you put in front of a vocal microphone for recording?

  • 7

    When recording keyboards, the volume control on the keyboard (or synth, sampler, or drum machine) should always be set...

  • 8

    When recording singers, rappers, and vocalists, it's a good idea to...

  • 9

    When miking a bass cabinet, it's a good idea to...

  • 10

    Recording the MIDI output of the keyboard allows you to...

  • 11

    Folder tracks are helpful for...

  • 12

    When using condenser microphones on drums (or other loud sources), it's always a good idea to...

  • 13

    Backing up your work is...

  • 14

    Due to the fact that most singers will emote more during the recording, it's a good idea to set conservative input levels.

  • 15

    Every drummer will need to hear their drums in their headphones during recording.

  • 16

    The most popular method for recording electric guitars is...

  • 17

    The best recording microphone is...

  • 18

    All condenser microphones are omnidirectional.

  • 19

    Double-tracking vocal tracks is a good way to...

Cubase 7 103
Engineers/Producers Toolbox
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