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Cubase 7.5 302 - Mastering Toolbox.
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  • 1

    As far as exporting the audio mixdown, what do the Left and Right Locators define?

  • 2

    Why is applying a smiley face EQ a good way in which to test your mastering?

  • 3

    To export a CD-compatible audio file, what should the bit depth be set to?

  • 4

    By the time you get to the mastering phase of your project, where should you set your audio interface buffer?

  • 5

    Every time you add one bit to the word length of a digital audio file, what happens to the dynamic range?

  • 6

    Where should the mastering plug-in be installed in the MixConsole?

  • 7

    What does the Loudness Meter allow you to do?

  • 8

    What makes the Multiband Compressor such an effective mastering plug-in?

  • 9

    What type of equalizer is the Studio EQ plug-in?

  • 10

    What description best defines dithering?

Cubase 7.5 302
Mastering Toolbox
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