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Cubase 8 303 - Mix Prep: Bass & Drum Tracks.
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  • 1

    What's the key command to toggle "snap" on and off?

  • 2

    When should you use a Gate to clean up an audio track?

  • 3

    When detecting transients, what should you do if some drum hits or notes are not detected?

  • 4

    In the Inspector, which tab will let you detect the transients of your audio event?

  • 5

    When quantizing audio, it is recommended to try with AudioWarp first. True or false?

  • 6

    When choosing the snare as the basis of editing a drum part:

  • 7

    When quantizing audio material that was recorded with multiple microphones, you need to:

  • 8

    What's the best way to quantize a drum part with lots of subdivisions (8th, 16th and 32nd notes)?

  • 9

    To disable a Hitpoint, you need to hold:

  • 10

    The shorter the crossfade is, the more we're gonna hear its action. True or false?

Cubase 8 303
Mix Prep: Bass & Drum Tracks
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