Take a 25 question quiz to test and certify your knowledge of the tutorial-video course
Cubase 102 - Recording and Editing.
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  • 1

    What converts a normal MIDI track into drum notes in the Drum Editor?

  • 2

    Where to you change the Track Versions settings?

  • 3

    What determines the initial beginning and ending boundaries of linear Events?

  • 4

    What two preparations does Matt recommend for watching this course?

  • 5

    When Events appear with diagonal pin stripes on them, what does that indicate?

  • 6

    Which Tool makes multiple notes out of one note?

  • 7

    Which edit function changes a Shared Event to a regular (independent) event?

  • 8

    In the browser, what button would you press to clear the selected categories?

  • 9

    What is the limit to which the Repeat Handle will create repeating Events?

  • 10

    Where do you find the Create Groove Quantize Preset function?

  • 11

    What Auto Monitoring setting works best for most Cubase recording processes?

  • 12

    When recording through effects causes input clipping, what can be done to prevent it?

  • 13

    Where do you find the Project sample rate and bit depth settings?

  • 14

    What does the abbreviation 'Comp' stand for?

  • 15

    Name one edit process you will lose if you don't record with a metronome (click.)

  • 16

    What happens to previous takes (Events) during a Stacked Mode recording?

  • 17

    Which controls should be set to 100% to create the 'Cher' effect?

  • 18

    Where do you find the Dissolve Part command?

  • 19

    What control on an audio interface determines recording input level?

  • 20

    What was Soft Quantize originally called in previous Cubase versions?

  • 21

    Which key command adds the crossfade to the selected Events?

  • 22

    What is the key command (shortcut) for Snap enable/disable?

  • 23

    Why do some people start audio recordings before the downbeat of the bar?

  • 24

    Where would you transpose a single note?

  • 25

    Which button engages a Re-Record recording?

Cubase 102
Recording and Editing
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