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Dance Music Sound Design 106 - SFX.
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  • 1

    What is ‘Toy Museum'?

  • 2

    Do ‘white noise FX' technically have to start with ‘white noise'?

  • 3

    What makes a vocal in a vocal riser go up in pitch?

  • 4

    When creating sound FX, is it generally better to choose a simple or a complex delay?

  • 5

    What type of wave is a sub boom?

  • 6

    What word is used to describe ‘real life' recordings?

  • 7

    Is the Morph algorithm specific to Morph?

  • 8

    What in the "TooFuture" preset was responsible for the detuning?

  • 9

    In the context of ‘Auto Filter', ‘Auto' refers to Automation. True or false?

  • 10

    What generally makes the best source material for sound effects?

  • 11

    What company makes Gravity?

  • 12

    What company makes Vocalsynth?

  • 13

    Can you modify the Synplant algorithm?

  • 14

    What is the most important thing to modulate when making a synth riser?

  • 15

    What should the feedback be for the "Delay Feedback" trick?

  • 16

    By default does Serum's noise osc sample loop or is it a ‘one-shot'?

  • 17

    Is Granulator II the only granular synth?

  • 18

    When creating sound FX, is it generally better to choose a reverb with a long or short tail?

  • 19

    What does sidechain compression modulate?

  • 20

    Are many plugins/tools available to do the vinyl spin down effect?

  • 21

    Which color noise sounds the most ‘flat'/neutral?

  • 22

    What does the ‘line' in Timeshaper do?

  • 23

    Serum's Noise Oscillator ‘Phase' sets the ... ?

  • 24

    What does the "Delay Time Modulation" trick do to the delay iterations?

Dance Music Sound Design 106
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