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Dance Music Styles 104 - Drum and Bass.
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  • 1

    What kind of vocal is best to create bass one shots from vocals?

  • 2

    What type of kick has more punch?

  • 3

    Where is the easiest place to make good sounding drum variations?

  • 4

    Why does building basslines from one-shots work so well?

  • 5

    What is the usual BPM for drum and bass?

  • 6

    Why are long kick tails a problem?

  • 7

    Does it matter if you record an old drum break in low quality?

  • 8

    What's the shortcut to duplicate something?

  • 9

    Distorted basslines are...?

  • 10

    For surgical EQing, what type of EQ is best?

  • 11

    How many bars is the outro usually?

  • 12

    How loud should you master drum and bass tracks?

  • 13

    Where is the best place to include more traditional songwriting elements?

  • 14

    Which of these is NOT a common theme in modern drum and bass?

  • 15

    "The original drum break used in drum and bass was a 4-bar drum solo taken from the song...

  • 16

    What kind of synth is Serum?

  • 17

    What is the name of the innovative vocal example recommended in the course?

  • 18

    What type of DnB snare needs a strong fundamental more so than other types?

  • 19

    In this course, which modulation source was used to modulate the bass in Massive?

Dance Music Styles 104
Drum and Bass
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