Take a 17 question quiz to test and certify your knowledge of the tutorial-video course
Dance Music Styles 108 - Techno.
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  • 1

    Automation is the technical term for...?

  • 2

    Which of these kick parameters was not automated in the course?

  • 3

    What is an 808 or 909?

  • 4

    The random pan effect on hi-hats is best used...?

  • 5

    In the course, which effect was the most unusual (for the master channel)?

  • 6

    Which is NOT a reason to manually record automation?

  • 7

    Why is the "303 Bass/Lead workflow" technique so suited to techno?

  • 8

    What is a technical term for the type of real life recorded sound used in the course?

  • 9

    Which is a more likely length of a techno track?

  • 10

    Is there a standard EQ response for a techno track?

  • 11

    Who invented the filter sweep technique?

  • 12

    Compared to most EDM/dance music tracks, techno tracks are...?

  • 13

    What is the typical bpm range for techno?

  • 14

    How long are techno kicks?

  • 15

    What sampler parameter did I automate?

  • 16

    Over what bar length is a techno bassline typically looped?

  • 17

    Soundrop is a...

Dance Music Styles 108
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