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Dance Music Styles 115 - Filter Disco.
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  • 1

    Autofilter and Volcano are both ...?

  • 2

    Filterfreak and Filterfreak 2 can both do sidechain compression.

  • 3

    Trying to force tricks and arrangements onto a track does not always work.

  • 4

    Coolness and fun are common themes in filter disco.

  • 5

    Filter disco has been around for multiple decades.

  • 6

    How can you create unique noise sweeps?

  • 7

    The "steamtrain" effect is commonly used in filter disco tracks.

  • 8

    The type of bassline you create can determine the entire feel of a track.

  • 9

    Filter disco from the nineties is far more stretched out and has less interesting breaks and effects.

  • 10

    The only way to get that famous pumping sound is to compress all life out of the master output.

  • 11

    The terms filter disco and filter house mean something completely different.

  • 12

    There are very specific drum sounds you must use to make your track sound like filter disco.

  • 13

    The Drop is an analog modelled filter plugin by Soundtoys.

  • 14

    It's never a good idea to sample entire sections of famous disco records.

  • 15

    There is no rule that dictates how a track should be built up.

  • 16

    Usually filter disco is a blend of disco music and trap music.

  • 17

    Automating the on-off switch on a sidechain compressor gives a lot of flexibility.

Dance Music Styles 115
Filter Disco
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