Take a 20 question quiz to test and certify your knowledge of the tutorial-video course
DJ Skills and Performing 101 - The ART of DJing.
Get a mark of 80% or higher to pass this quiz!
  • 1

    Who was the first DJ that used slip-cueing?

  • 2

    Each Channel has its own EQ.

  • 3

    What is the hottest job in the music entertainment scene?

  • 4

    What does a DJ do?

  • 5

    Name one other hardware brand?

  • 6

    The Pioneer CDJ created a new trend in DJ'ing without vinyls.

  • 7

    Where can the effects be sent to?

  • 8

    Regine Zylberberg is from Denmark

  • 9

    How does a DJ make a mix from one track to the other?

  • 10

    What is the minimal basic setup a DJ uses?

  • 11

    Beat.school is a virtual environment to learn DJ'ing.

  • 12

    What is music selection?

  • 13

    What year was the first SL1200 released?

  • 14

    Who was the first brand to create DJ software?

  • 15

    Name a popular DJ effect?

  • 16

    Without beat matching it's hard to become a DJ

  • 17

    After watching this course you can,,,

  • 18

    How can you learn to read the crowd?

  • 19

    The goal of a DJ is to sell you booze

  • 20

    What does the DJ hear on his headphones?

DJ Skills and Performing 101
The ART of DJing
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