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DJing with Live 101 - DJing with Live Essentials.
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  • 1

    Why should I check warping and not rely on auto-warping in Ableton Live?

  • 2

    How do I change crossfader curve setting in Ableton Live?

  • 3

    Where do I type the BPM value to make Live change tempo for a scene?

  • 4

    What is the minimum number of audio out(s) necessary on an audio interface to set up a headphone cue system in Ableton Live?

  • 5

    One of the tracks in my set has a 10 second ambient intro. What should I do to correctly warp the song?

  • 6

    Why set a maximum MIDI value on our volume fader?

  • 7

    I hooked up my controller, but it isn't working with Ableton. What is the first thing I should check?

  • 8

    Basic beatmatched blending is a good technique for mixing when _______?

  • 9

    What are the main elements of a classic DJ rig?

  • 10

    What is main purpose of using EQs during a DJ set?

  • 11

    What is the advantage of using a MIDI controller with Ableton Live?

  • 12

    What should I do after watching this course to improve my DJing skills?

  • 13

    To create loops on the fly, I should use which buttons?

  • 14

    What's a fast way to create a looped portion of a warped song?

  • 15

    I want to mix two warped tracks, but one is in different musical key. What should I do to put them in same musical key?

  • 16

    How do I make the knob I assigned stay within a tempo range of 120-150 BPM?

  • 17

    What is one advantage to Djing with Ableton Live?

DJing with Live 101
DJing with Live Essentials
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