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Dance Music Masters 109 - E.B.E. Audio | Tonal Xpression.
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  • 1

    Which Logic software instrument is a physical modelling synth?

  • 2

    Which waveform has no harmonics?

  • 3

    Spectral data is what separates one timbre from another. True or false?

  • 4

    What is the default key command to open the Key Commands Edit window?

  • 5

    The major scale follows this pattern of half steps (HS) and whole steps (WS):

  • 6

    What is the default Key Command to open the Project Audio Window?

  • 7

    Some of the earliest recorded electronic music was made in ______ using real-world sounds and modular synths.

  • 8

    The harmonic minor scale is the same as the natural minor scale, but with a raised 7th degree. True or false?

  • 9

    Which of the following is a dissonant interval?

  • 10

    Which of the following is a dissonant interval?

  • 11

    In Logic, the right mouse button can be assigned to open both the Tool menu and the Shortcut menu. True or false?

  • 12

    The descending melodic minor scale is the same as the natural minor scale. True or false?

  • 13

    In medieval time, which interval was referred as "diabolus in musica"?

  • 14

    Jeopardy time! Find the question that belongs to this answer: "It is the key in which a musical piece is written and can be thought as the track musical home."

  • 15

    What waveforms are available in the ES M synth?

  • 16

    Which of the following is a consonant interval?

  • 17

    In synthesis, what is the most fundamental tone?

  • 18

    A sawtooth wave sounds harsh and bright because:

  • 19

    The ES E software instrument is polyphonic. True or false?

  • 20

    A 1st chord inversion has _____ in the lowest register.

  • 21

    Which Logic software synth is good at recreating the infamous TB-303 acid sound?

Dance Music Masters 109
E.B.E. Audio | Tonal Xpression
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