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EastWest 102 - Tools for Pop, Rock & Electronic.
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  • 1

    What is the best way to get great performance out of the MOR2 Basses?

  • 2

    In MOR2, what are ‘performances'?

  • 3

    How do you load an alternate drum?

  • 4

    What is the difference between a ‘drummer perspective' and ‘audience perspective'?

  • 5

    What is the Mod wheel most frequently assigned to in Ra?

  • 6

    Where is the articulation list located?

  • 7

    What is peculiar about the stereo sounds in Ministry of Rock?

  • 8

    What is the main focus of the Ra sound library?

  • 9

    What is the difference between ‘Live' and ‘Element' instruments?

  • 10

    What is Ohmicide?

  • 11

    Where do you take care of the panning of individual articulations?

  • 12

    What is preset morph?

  • 13

    What causes a frame drum to sound more prominent in the mid-range rather than deep and resonant?

  • 14

    In the J160 instruments, what does the keyswitching provide the player?

  • 15

    When the Play browser is loading ProDrummer, how does the GUI change?

  • 16

    How do you create a drum arrangement in ProDrummer?

  • 17

    What is ‘Beating'?

  • 18

    What do you get in different octaves of the electric guitars of Ghostwriter?

  • 19

    What is the biggest difference between the sitar and the Tambura?

  • 20

    What does ‘Round Robin' mean?

  • 21

    Sometimes, instruments will load very quickly in Ghostwriter, and others will take a bit longer. What's the deal?

  • 22

    Why do some of the instruments in Ra have the same pitched note an octave apart?

  • 23

    Why is it better to use Play as individual instances in programs like Logic, Live and Pro Tools instead of as a multi-instrument?

  • 24

    What are the ‘J37' Channel strips in ProDrummer?

  • 25

    What is different about the drums in Ministry of Rock 2 vs. the other libraries we have seen in the course?

EastWest 102
Tools for Pop, Rock & Electronic
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