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Elektron 102 - Analog Four Explained and Explored.
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  • 1

    True or False: The two filters are set up in a serial configuration.

  • 2

    True or False: It is possible to transpose tracks in song mode.

  • 3

    True or False: The Filter feedback setting reacts to the frequency of filter 2.

  • 4

    How many voices does the Analog Four have?

  • 5

    True or False: Live Recording can only be done on Track 1

  • 6

    True or False: The LFOs can modulate two different destinations.

  • 7

    True or False: Kits contain pattern settings

  • 8

    How is FILL mode enabled?

  • 9

    True or False: Chains can have a maximum of 4 patterns.

  • 10

    Can the Arpeggiator Rate be parameter locked?

  • 11

    True or False: All sounds on Analog Four can be Sound Locked

  • 12

    Accenting a trig in a pattern does what?

  • 13

    Is it possible to have more than one sound play on a track?

  • 14

    Is there a Unison mode on Analog Four?

  • 15

    True or False: All patterns use the same kit.

  • 16

    True or False: Amplitude Modulation is only possible with Oscillator 1.

  • 17

    Can parameter values be locked per step?

  • 18

    Can the Arpeggiator Rate be parameter locked?

  • 19

    True or False: It is only possible to sync Oscillator 1 to Oscillator 2.

  • 20

    How many parameters can be assigned to the performance macros?

Elektron 102
Analog Four Explained and Explored
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