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Elektron 301 - Combining Machines.
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  • 1

    In order to avoid MIDI feedback from Digitone's FX parameters, what MIDI setting should be changed?

  • 2

    When sampling with the Octatrack, where is the audio recorded?

  • 3

    Is it possible to play the Trigs on Octatrack chromatically like a keyboard?

  • 4

    Is it possible to mute tracks on different arrangement rows?

  • 5

    True or False: Digitone can store different tempos per project.

  • 6

    How many LFOs does Octatrack have in total (8 MIDI and 8 Audio tracks)?

  • 7

    Can the Octatrack store tempo changes per pattern?

  • 8

    The MIDI Output of the Octatrack should connect to which MIDI port on Digitone?

  • 9

    True or False: Record Trigs can't be used when resampling the Octatracks tracks.

  • 10

    Do Record Trigs trigger playback of the sample?

  • 11

    What Octatrack Arp page parameter enables the arpeggiator?

  • 12

    When MIDI Learn is enabled, what does the Octatrack listen for?

  • 13

    Does the Digitone have a sampler?

  • 14

    Does every MIDI note sent to an Octatrack audio track play the sample on that track?

  • 15

    What are Sound Locks?

  • 16

    What do Program Changes allow us to do?

  • 17

    What does the MIDI Transport setting do?

  • 18

    Is it possible to create your own arpeggiated pattern with Octatrack?

  • 19

    True or False: Only one of the sequencers can be used at a time when connected via MIDI.

  • 20

    Are the MIDI tracks on Octatrack assigned to MIDI channels by default?

Elektron 301
Combining Machines
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