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Final Cut Pro X 10.4 - 100 - Final Cut 10.4 What's New.
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  • 1

    What does LUT stand for?

  • 2

    HDR, in video terms, lets you show a greater range of...

  • 3

    Is HEVC available on common cameras?

  • 4

    Can you adjust color values with numbers?

  • 5

    Do you have to use iMovie on the Mac to import from iMovie on iOS?

  • 6

    Are the Red, Green and Blue curves fixed?

  • 7

    Which curve would you use to change Saturation based on Hue?

  • 8

    What's the shortcut to add a Balance Color effect?

  • 9

    Which effects have mostly been upgraded?

  • 10

    Which feature is not included in this release of FCP X?

  • 11

    What's the name of the view that 360° footage is stored in?

  • 12

    What's the name of the bottom of the sphere?

Final Cut Pro X 10.4 - 100
Final Cut 10.4 What's New
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