Take a 25 question quiz to test and certify your knowledge of the tutorial-video course
Final Cut Pro 105 - Working With Audio.
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  • 1

    What's an older rule of thumb for average and peak audio levels?

  • 2

    Can you use the GarageBand sound effects in FCP X?

  • 3

    How do you move an audio transition?

  • 4

    Which of these is NOT a surround panning option?

  • 5

    What's the shortcut to ripple delete an audio clip?

  • 6

    What isn't an option for a fade ramp?

  • 7

    Are all keyframes made automatically?

  • 8

    Can you position audio all the way to the left or right, and should you?

  • 9

    Can you still apply effects and volume changes to subroles within a compound clip?

  • 10

    Can you assign a custom color to a subrole?

  • 11

    Which of these is NOT a good use for roles?

  • 12

    How many bands are used by the basic EQ presets?

  • 13

    Which of these is NOT a potential channel configuration option?

  • 14

    What icon do you drag to add a fade?

  • 15

    What Share option do you choose to export separate audio files?

  • 16

    What's usually a good way to get started in an EQ effect?

  • 17

    To expand audio components, what key do you hold as you double-click on the audio waveform?

  • 18

    Can you group stereo tracks automatically?

  • 19

    What does too much Noise Removal sound like?

  • 20

    What is audio compression usually used for?

  • 21

    Can you re-unify detached audio?

  • 22

    What effect increases volume?

  • 23

    What's the command that changes the volume to -∞?

  • 24

    What's the name for an edit that you hear before you see?

  • 25

    Can you offset video and audio edits?

Final Cut Pro 105
Working With Audio
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