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Final Cut Pro X 100 - 10.3 New Features!.
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  • 1

    Can you perform a search in the Browser for custom metadata field information?

  • 2

    Does FCP 10.3 allow you to configure multiple custom audio channels when exporting MXF files?

  • 3

    What is helpful and a best practice when moving a Library from one Mac running FCP 10.3 to another?

  • 4

    When importing XML data, where does FCP 10.3 store it?

  • 5

    What is iXML?

  • 6

    Why are the three buttons in the top left on the Final Cut Pro window grouped together?

  • 7

    Changing a stereo pair to dual mono allows adjustments and filters to be applied to this.

  • 8

    Will FCP 10.3 allow you to assign photos and audio clips directly to a keyword collection?

  • 9

    You can search the Timeline index for "synchronized" to find all synchronized clips in the current Project. True or False?

  • 10

    When looking at Roles in the Timeline index, this button allows you to see a compound clip's audio in great detail.

  • 11

    What helps the Flow transition to cover up jump cuts?

  • 12

    Can you create Rec 2020 Project timelines in a Library set to Standard color space?

  • 13

    This is where you'll find the new Timecode effect.

Final Cut Pro X 100
10.3 New Features!
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