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Freeform 101 - Freeform Productivity Explored.
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  • 1

    What service synchronizes boards between macOS and iOS?

  • 2

    Resizing a sticky automatically grows the text size with it

  • 3

    What keyboard shortcut can be used to duplicate an object?

  • 4

    You can zoom with your fingers and draw with an Apple Pencil at the same time due to palm rejection technology.

  • 5

    Collaboration is NOT the same as sharing a file

  • 6

    Freeform supports any kind of attached 3rd party file

  • 7

    How do you draw a curved line?

  • 8

    How do you create a default style on macOS?

  • 9

    Creating a new board on one device will also create one on any iCloud-connected devices.

  • 10

    Apple Pencil works on an iPhone 14

  • 11

    All alignment guides are turned on by default

  • 12

    What types of media can you insert using the media drop down?

  • 13

    What format do boards get exported into by default?

  • 14

    Boards must be a specific resolution and in 16x9 format

  • 15

    How do you resize text in a text box?

  • 16

    You must haver a stylus or Apple Pencil to draw freehand in Freeform

  • 17

    You can remove collaboration privileges for individual people at any time.

  • 18

    Where do web links open up

  • 19

    What keyboard shortcut can be used to find and replace text?

  • 20

    When will someone hear the image description entered in the media properties window?

Freeform 101
Freeform Productivity Explored
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