Take a 21 question quiz to test and certify your knowledge of the tutorial-video course
Gadget 201 - Make Dance Music with Gadget.
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  • 1

    What can't you do with the Bilbao gadget?

  • 2

    How do you transfer a song to Gadget for iOS?

  • 3

    How many gadgets are available per track?

  • 4

    How do you transfer a song to Gadget for iOS?

  • 5

    How do you transfer a song to Gadget for iOS?

  • 6

    Which gadget is described as an acoustic drum module?

  • 7

    Side chain compression allows the kick to do what?

  • 8

    What types of bass does Madrid feature?

  • 9

    Which of the following is NOT an insert effect?

  • 10

    How many pads does the Recife gadget have?

  • 11

    How many sound effects does the Amsterdam gadget have on board?

  • 12

    What insert effect is used to add movement to the pad?

  • 13

    Where do you edit note velocities?

  • 14

    What would make a song sound like a demo for Gadget?

  • 15

    How do you arm a track for recording?

  • 16

    What semi-modular feature does the Dublin gadget contain?

  • 17

    Apart from right-clicking, how else can you duplicate a scene?

  • 18

    How was the hi-hat's 32nd note trill created?

  • 19

    Can the London gadget import external drum samples?

  • 20

    Apart from GadgetCloud, what other service can Gadget upload to?

  • 21

    Korg's Gadget started out on what platform?

Gadget 201
Make Dance Music with Gadget
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