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Ableton Live 406 - Granulator Explored.
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  • 1

    How do you know that GranulatorInput is ready to use?

  • 2

    True or False: The filters run in parallel

  • 3

    It is not possible to modulate the FilePos parameter with the LFO. True or false?

  • 4

    Is Granulator a Max For Live device?

  • 5

    Does the LFO retrigger in its default state?

  • 6

    Can GranulatorInput be placed on a Return track?

  • 7

    If Spray is set to Left, while the playhead jump before or after the current file position?

  • 8

    Which knob actually applies frequency modulation?

  • 9

    What is the default setting for FilePos?

  • 10

    How is the Void mode different from Flux?

  • 11

    What is the maximum value of the Time% parameter of Scan?

  • 12

    Can you have multiple Granlutors in a single project?

  • 13

    True or False: The grains in Granulator smoothly overlap by default

  • 14

    True or False: Enabling Scan deactivates Spray

  • 15

    If the sustain level of the amp envelope is turned all the way down, which parameter(s) determines the length of a held note?

  • 16

    Is it possible to prevent the crossfading of grains?

  • 17

    What do the lights under the Signal parameter show the user?

  • 18

    If you want the LFO to be perfectly out of phase, what should the phase parameter be set to?

Ableton Live 406
Granulator Explored
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