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Guitar Production 202 - Pedalboard Setups Explored.
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  • 1

    Tap Tempo boxes can only be utilised with delay pedals. True or False?

  • 2

    To stack subdivisions, set each Delay Pedal to a different...

  • 3

    What is an alternative name for a guitar pedal?

  • 4

    How can you attach pedals to a pedalboard?

  • 5

    What type of ambiance is created with a short delay time and minimal feedback?

  • 6

    Tap Tempo pedals can be used to set delay time to a song's key. True or false?

  • 7

    An Amplifier's FX Loop comes...

  • 8

    How do you set Tap Tempo pedals?

  • 9

    Placing a Volume Pedal before Distortion affects the way it...

  • 10

    For a tight, wide ambience, pan each Pedal ______ right and left.

  • 11

    True or false? The more saturated the sound becomes, the more thin it becomes.

  • 12

    What is the prime culprits of noise in a pedal chain?

  • 13

    Shortest cables possible are desired when connecting pedals. True or False?

  • 14

    Jeopardy time! Find the question that belongs to this answer: A type of Reverb that uses two independent processors.

  • 15

    Placing Distortion after Delay ___________ the repeats.

  • 16

    What type of filter is used in Wha pedals?

  • 17

    A Pad sound can be created with ______, Reverb & Modulation Pedals.

  • 18

    Modulation after Distortion can be used to ________ the sound.

  • 19

    Name two Modulation effects that can be combined in series.

  • 20

    The pre-amp/saturation stage should always proceed the effects stage. True or False?

  • 21

    All guitar pedals can only output mono. True or False?

  • 22

    Expression pedals allow you to make __________ changes.

  • 23

    True or false? You can use a Delay pedal on drums to create Delay Throws.

  • 24

    The Tuner should always be placed after modulation effect. True or False?

  • 25

    Vintage Fuzz and Wah Pedals can be negatively impacted by...

Guitar Production 202
Pedalboard Setups Explored
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