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Final Cut Pro 107 - Intro to Color Correction.
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  • 1

    Turning Saturation down produces what effect?

  • 2

    What is the Histogram best for...?

  • 3

    What does a yellow diamond signify?

  • 4

    Does the skintone line work with people of all different skin colors?

  • 5

    Are there commands in Final Cut Pro X that are inaccessible until you add shortcuts to them?

  • 6

    Which of these is NOT a command you can apply a shortcut to?

  • 7

    Which cropping mode should you use for this technique?

  • 8

    What tools can you use to control contrast more effectively?

  • 9

    What does LUT stand for?

  • 10

    What does the Hue control do?

  • 11

    What is the Waveform best at?

  • 12

    How do you change the white balance point?

  • 13

    What's the biggest reason to use the color wheels instead of the color board?

  • 14

    Do any of the looks do more than adjust color?

  • 15

    On the color wheel, red is opposite...?

  • 16

    What is the Vectorscope best for?

  • 17

    What is the first changes you should make when doing color correction?

  • 18

    Can the Match Color effect be turned down?

  • 19

    How many scopes can be displayed at once?

  • 20

    Which is not an area of the color board?

  • 21

    Which Exposure puck simply moves the entire image brighter or darker by the same amount?

Final Cut Pro 107
Intro to Color Correction
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