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iZotope Ozone 6.1 - Mastering Toolbox.
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  • 1

    If your original audio files are 32-bit and you want to export 32-bit processed versions of those files, you should enable the Dither module. True or false?

  • 2

    You cannot Solo more than one frequency band in the Dynamics module. True or false?

  • 3

    With the highpass or lowpass filters set to Flat, what do the slope values of 12, 24, and 48 indicate?

  • 4

    To audition the opposite (antithesis) of what a node is doing, what feature do you enable?

  • 5

    The filter shapes of the Equalizer and Dynamic EQ module are identical. True or false?

  • 6

    If you have a modern, fast computer, what Exciter module feature should you consider enabling?

  • 7

    How many Ozone modules can be used simultaneously?

  • 8

    To process the left channel differently than the right, what mode should the Dynamic EQ module be set to?

  • 9

    Which IRC mode is the most gentle and transparent?

  • 10

    In a project that has multiple files loaded, how do you change the order of the files?

  • 11

    How do you quickly restore all four bands of the Dynamics module?

  • 12

    What does the Matching feature allow you to do?

  • 13

    How many bands does the Dynamic EQ module have?

  • 14

    What does the L . R mode of the Equalizer offer?

  • 15

    When using M . S mode, the Exciter module must use the same type of exception for each channel. True or false?

  • 16

    When should you use the MBIT+ Dither module?

  • 17

    To make a stereo file sound more mono, what values should the band width controls be set to?

  • 18

    What does ‘K-System' stand for?

  • 19

    After using the Learn feature, you can no longer adjust the crossover points. True or false?

  • 20

    If you're using a modern fast computer, what values can you use in the Buffer Size?

  • 21

    To get an oscilloscope response in the Vectorscope, which mode should you use?

  • 22

    What keyboard shortcuts are used to select the previous and next files in a project?

  • 23

    Where should you always place the Maximizer in the signal flow?

  • 24

    As a rule of thumb, fast, up-tempo music can benefit from which Character settings?

  • 25

    How do you change a Dynamics band from a compressor to an expander?

iZotope Ozone 6.1
Mastering Toolbox
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