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iZotope RX 4 - Audio Repair Toolbox 2.
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  • 1

    Is it possible to auto detect 'hum frequency' in the Remove Hum module?

  • 2

    Name an advantage of saving a file in the .rxdoc format over the .wav file format.

  • 3

    You are unable to create fade ins or fade outs with Izotope RX4: True or False?

  • 4

    What is the shortcut key command for the Time Selection Tool?

  • 5

    The Lasso Tool enables you to make a free hand selection of both time and frequency: True or False?

  • 6

    What colour is the Waveform View?

  • 7

    The Time Selection tool enables you to make both a time and frequency based selection: True or False?

  • 8

    The 'Brush Tool' enables the user to paint additional harmonic content into a weak audio recording. True or False?

  • 9

    What module did Matt suggest for attenuating 'Preamp Distortion'?

  • 10

    Low frequency content is represented at the bottom of the spectrogram: True or False?

  • 11

    What is the shortcut key command for the 'Time Selection Tool'?

  • 12

    What is the shortcut key command for the 'Time-Frequency Selection Tool'?

  • 13

    The 'Frequency Selection Tool' enables the user to select frequency content within a particular time frame. True or False?

  • 14

    What colour is the Spectrogram View?

iZotope RX 4
Audio Repair Toolbox 2
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