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Kilpatrick 101 - Introducing the Phenol .
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  • 1

    How many modulation inputs are there on the Low Pass?

  • 2

    How many notes can the sequencer in Phenol store?

  • 3

    Can Phenol generate notes without user input?

  • 4

    How many modes can the Envelope run in?

  • 5

    What is the best module to create random stepped parameters?

  • 6

    This is how many outputs the VCA has.

  • 7

    Cross Modulation in the analog world is when one audio rate oscillator is modulated by another audio rate oscillator. True or False?

  • 8

    Ideally, how many envelopes would you need to create an acid bass sound?

  • 9

    Excluding "Ext. In", how many waveforms does each oscillator section have?

  • 10

    The DELAY MIX is a combination of mix and feedback in a single control. True or False?

  • 11

    Modulating the cutoff on the band pass filter with an audio rate voltage can generate extremely aggressive timbres. True or False?

  • 12

    How many outputs does the Adder section have?

  • 13

    The Filters are said to be in series when the output of one filter is fed into another before going to the mixer. True or False?

  • 14

    Signal flow on Phenol is user-definable. True or False?

  • 15

    Is it possible to get sound from the filter without having any signal at its input?

  • 16

    The Divide section has this many outputs.

  • 17

    What is the name of the company that created Phenol?

  • 18

    How many oscillators are required to create the Hard Sync effect?

  • 19

    The maximum speed of the LFO is approximately 40 Hz. True or False?

Kilpatrick 101
Introducing the Phenol
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