Eric Freeman wrote on July 5, 2017
Great techniques to achieve Glitch. I've been researching lots of ways to do glitch, and found these methods a straight forward way to achieve glitch that is still musical. Rishabh has a great style and also provides lots of interesting tidbits about other artists, etc. I hope we see more of this type of video from him!
GRS wrote on October 24, 2016
This title by Rishabh Rajan is an excellent source of ideas and techniques That are very helpful in producing experimental and glitch sound design
Zac T wrote on May 18, 2016
This was a very inspiring course for me! Although I do not use Ableton Live (nor do I know how), I took quite a bit of new applicable information away from watching these tutorials. I would recommend an advanced background in Live to fully appreciate everything presented.
Yong wrote on March 30, 2016
Very inspiring and creative tutorial, best Live course I have ever seen so far.
Apollo wrote on June 2, 2015
Excellente tutorial! Full of awesome techniques that will make your music sound new and interesting. Rishabh is a great tutor, and very easy to follow. The demos song is amazing. Looking forward to part 2 of this tutorial… maybe?
Brett wrote on March 31, 2015
Very good fun and some quite advanced editing techniques demonstrated. Recommended even if Glitch isn't your style.
Brock wrote on March 8, 2015
This course was very concise and well put together! The concepts are laid out straight forward through 16 tutorials. Even if you don't identify as a glitch music listener, you could still benefit from the production skills this course has to offer.
Arthur Spooner wrote on February 3, 2015
Excellent course! The sound design ideas are inspirational for all electronic genres.
More please Rishabh!
Thomas wrote on September 1, 2014
Awesome course! After watching this my head was spinning... of new ideas.
Interesting wrote on August 4, 2014
Pretty cool stuff. Many cool techniques to accomplish glitchy sounds.